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Database Systems – Final Project Proposal

1. Winson Wardana – 2201798345
2. Jennifer Ihdata – 2201798774
3. Rafli Trianindya Putra – 2201798585
4. Gadiza Namira Putri Andjani – 2201798452

Introduction :
Gadiza’s grandma owns a cookie store. So her grandma sells cookies but has never had a system to organize her orders, we plan to create a system for her to sell her cookies in an orderly fashion. So we intend to make sure her grandma makes the right amount of cookies for the correct people, as well as finish her orders based on who ordered first.

Problem Statement :
For our database systems project, our group will make a “Grandma’s Cookie Store System”. As of now, grandma takes calls or texts and makes her cookies as she gets the orders. And sometimes she mistaken her order and doesn’t make them based on who orders first, but rather which message she sees first. We hope that with a new system to organize her orders, she will be able to satisfy her customers more as well as make it easier for her to conduct her small business. In addition we might add the money managing system to organized the finance for the store.

Target user:
The target users is to all the user who wants to manage the orders, as it will make the user admin to access and track and view the orders easily.

ER Diagram:

Final Project Proposal

For our final project, my group would like to make a choice making game. The game will be like a story, in which the user can choose what action they would like to do. The theme of the game will be survival. The user acts as one of the characters from the story and chooses how they want the story to go. The plot and ending of the story will be determined based on the choices of the user. Different choices will lead to different story lines.

Group Members:
– Gadiza –
– Jennifer –
– Vicky –