Gadiza's Blog

my blog is better than yours:)

Our Game

Our game is called “Stranded”. It is a choice making game that has a theme of survival. It is first set on a yacht that is about to sink and several teens have to fight for their survival. Depending on the user’s choices, the plot will be steered in a certain direction, either ending with the teens surviving or dying.

The user starts at the home page, where they can either start or go to help. In the help page, there are the instructions of the game as well as the details of the makers.

If the user chooses to start, the narrative begins and they press space to move to the next scene or when the reach the choice making section, they must choose between the choices.

If the user chooses the help button, there are the characters in the story, as well as the instructions. Then it leads to the about page.



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